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We are a nation and a world of texters, with no end in sight, but how do you capitalize on the Mobile Revolution? Through the use of mobile marketing, a business now has the opportunity to connect with their prospective and existing customer base through the one device that is connected to over 95% of US consumers, the mobile phone. Through SMS messaging a business can start a conversation and stay connected in real time. The 90210 Mobile Media Platform can be effectively utilized by individuals, businesses, and organizations alike.

  • U.S. mobile advertising rose from $421 million in 2006 to $2.8 billion in 2007. (Source: emarketer)

  • On a whole, mobile advertising is estimated to grow at an annual average of 45% to reach $28.8 billion within the next 5 years.

  • Additionally, over the next 5 years, 52% of major brands are projected to spend 5% to 25% of entire ad budget on mobile marketing. (Source: Visiongain – Mobile Advertising And Marketing 2006 – 2011)

  • There are twice as many active SMS users as active users of email.

  • 70% of Direct Marketing Association survey takers reacted to SMS messages sent from suppliers, compared to only a 30% success rate for email.

  • Acquisition in this space has been extremely active over the past 6 months; Quattro Wireless (Acquired by Apple for $275M), AdMob (Acquired by Google for $750M).

    Why has UV Marketing Group partnered with iZigg and why now? iZigg is perfectly positioned to be at the forefront of one of the largest and most profitable communication transitions in history. The adoption rate of mobile phones is maturing, and the concept of using social media and mobile to connect in real time with customers and group members is becoming mainstream. This is the point in time where the leaders in an industry emerge from a growing number of competitors in a crowded marketplace. UV Marketing Group wants to help our clients reap the rewards of the emerging mobile media marketing platform.

    Access to the most recognized short code in the world

    The core element to mobile messaging is obtaining a short-code that is distinct, reputable, and easy to remember. iZigg has obtained one of the most recognized 5 digit codes in the global marketplace: 90210. iZigg was able obtain Text 90210 from Eytan Elbaz one of the founders of Applied Semantics, which was later acquired by Google and ultimately became the foundation the AdSense platform. Through this acquisition, iZigg now has built in brand equity unmatched in the mobile media space. With 90210 we are creating a marketplace for countless keywords (similar to domain URL’s on the Internet) that allows individuals, businesses and groups to easily connect with their base. Imagine airing a television ad that asks an audience to text FORD to 90210 or a sign in a window of a restaurant that says Text Pizza Hut to 90210. As more and more businesses look to separate themselves from the pack, they can do so by having their own their business name at 90210.

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