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Deliver the right message at the right time with the right offer to the right people!
Solutions for Success

Getting your message out to the right people will determine 40% of your campaign’s success! If it’s your list the data base’s accuracy will be critical. If it’s a named prospect list it must be fresh and demographically relevant. If it’s a resident list in your market it must be targeted to your most likely clients. At UVMG you have access to the best mail fulfillment & list services available to help you get the best response rates possible.

Radius Report – (Spread sheet format.) Your custom Radius Report gives you invaluable information about your market place. The report shows a list of USPS carrier routes with the following demographic selects: average age, average income, average home value and percent of homes with children. It allows you to target the prospects in the carrier routes closest to you that will produce the highest response rates – all to deliver the best customers to your door!

CASS Certification – USPS software will correct errors (where possible) and certify the deliverability of your data base. This sophisticated software compares your data base list to all addresses in the USPS data base and determines if your addresses are deliverable. If it can’t correct inaccuracies the address will be purged. This process will ensure the highest deliverability rate possible.

Consumer Lists – Target your direct mail to specific households based on a wide list of demographic selects. We’ll help you narrow the fields based on what you’re looking to accomplish. Selects include: Geographic Area, Age, Income, Gender, Marital Status, Households with Children, Age & Gender of Children, Households with seniors, Housing Type, Homeowner / Renter, Home Value, Year Home Built, Length of Residence. (Premium selects also available.)

Business Lists– Selects: Geographic Area, Employee Size, Sales Volume, Year Started, Headquarters / Branch indicator, Minority Owned Business. (Premium selects: Phones & Contacts, 100% Fax Numbers)

Call UV Marketing Group Today!

(888) 971-3030