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Welcome to our ftp (file transfer protocol) entry portal page. Because email attachments are usually limited to 5-10 megabytes, this page has been designed for easy transfer large files to UV Marketing Group via the Internet. If successful, this ftp will save you the additional time and costs of shipping your file to UV Marketing Group on disc.

As a convenience to our clients, this page to allow quick convenient alternative to sending your files to our design department. Fast access Internet access is preferable but not required. Although our site will not time you out, slow Internet access will require more time and will pose a higher risk of your transfer being timed out by your ISP (Internet Service Provider) connection.

Click on the "Enter File Area" button below to begin the file transfer process. Please email or phone toll-free at
1(888) 971-3030
when your file transfer is complete.

Database List Submission

It's easy and kept 100% confidential - GUARANTEED!

UV Marketing Group ensures that all information you submit is secure and confidential. See our Terms.

Providing UV Marketing your database list is easy. All you have to do is extract your customer data from your database and place that file in an accessible folder or on your desktop.

Then attach your extracted data file to an email, place your COMPANY NAME and your current WORK ORDER NUMBER into the subject line of the email. Adding any additional or unusual list instructions in the body of the email is always helpful.